( Editorial: --> 5817 )
ZAGREB, Jan 20 (Hina) - The "Croatia Weekly" whose first edition was
issued on Tuesday will also be available to Internet users.
The weekly's aim is to provide accurate and relevant information
about the Croatian reality which could be of interest to the foreign
reader, the weekly said in its editorial.
Croatia can only be accepted with the understanding and fondness of
the readers who are familiar with its reality, Editor-in-Chief
Nenad Ivankovic said.
The weekly published by the Croatian Information and Culture Bureau
will address all foreigners and "political forces that care so much
about stability in this part of Europe and which have invested huge
efforts and made considerable sacrifices to bring peace to this
Through texts from the fields of politics, economy, culture and
sports, reproduced from newspapers and electronic media, foreign
readers - news agencies, newspapers, politicians and diplomats -
should receive accurate information about the situation in
The weekly will have a circulation of 12,000 at the beginning, of
which 10,000 is to b sold abroad.
The Internet site includes a postcard from Croatia with links to all
state institutions, director Bekavac said, adding that every new
edition would be available on URL http://www.croatia.hr as the
weekly is issued.
(hina) lm mm
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