( Editorial: --> 2686 )
WASHINGTON, 7 Jan (Hina) - Robert Gelbard, special envoy of US
President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
for the implementation of the Dayton agreement, will pay a visit to
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro.
Gelbard is also to attend a ceremony marking the completion of
peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube river region in
The US envoy will leave the United States on Sunday.
Speaking at a press conference in Washington on Tuesday, Gelbard
said that his visit was aimed at implementing numerous aspects of
the Dayton agreement.
Before his visit to the region, Gelbard will meet representatives
of the Contact Group in Washington on Thursday.
The United States expected Croatia to pay special attention to
completing the dismantling of Herzeg-Bosnian institutions,
Gelbard said.
Yugoslavia would be able to get rid of the outer wall of sanctions
only after it had achieved results in five areas - the fulfilment of
Dayton obligations, the handing over of war crimes suspects,
Kosovo, the succession to the former Yugoslavia and the
democratisation of the country, he said.
Speaking about the International Criminal Tribunal for Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY), Gelbard said that currently the US
administration was paying special attention to the handing over of
persons indicted for war crimes in the area of Vukovar.
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