Vukovar authorities will initiate cross-border cooperation with the Vojvodina town of Bac in order to enable the use of a Danube river island close to Vukovar, Sota said.
The river island administratively belongs to Croatia and is entered in the Croatian land registry. But since 1991 it has been under Serbian control and has become the subject of talks between the two countries on border delimitation on the Danube.
Asked by reporters if local self-government units could make any arrangements that had not yet been agreed at the state level, Simurdic said that in dealing with problems between the two countries and establishing cooperation the initiative should come from local authorities.
He said that any agreement between Bac and Vukovar on the joint use of the Danube river island would not prejudge a final border settlement between Serbia-Montenegro and Croatia.
Simurdic also said that that through cross-border cooperation his country wanted to contribute to the post-war recovery of Vukovar, noting that "the town has suffered too much to continue like this."