SibenikSIBENIK, June 19 (Hina) - The International Children's Festival openedin the southern city of Sibenik on Saturday evening with a performanceby the dance theatre "Oplasteatro" from the Italian city ofUmbertida.
SIBENIK, June 19 (Hina) - The International Children's Festival
opened in the southern city of Sibenik on Saturday evening with a performance
by the dance theatre "Oplasteatro" from the Italian city of Umbertida. The event, to last until July 2, will feature some 112 music, film,
literature and visual art programmes with almost 1,500 participants. The
festival is attended by participants from 15 countries.
During the festival, Sibenik will also host a session of the Executive
Committee of UNIMA, the world puppetry organisation.