These are the results of an opinion poll on corruption, public information and conflict of interests, conducted on 1,000 people. The poll, ordered by Transparency International Croatia, was conducted by GfK agency
The same poll conducted two years ago showed that 85.1 percent of citizens believed that corruption was present in Croatia.
"Citizens believe that Croatia is losing the battle with corruption," TIH President Zorislav Antun Petrovic told a news conference.
According to this year's poll, as much as 37.11 percent of the interviewed people believe that the level of corruption in Croatia has increased in relation to the period before the last parliamentary elections in November 2003, while 48 percent believe that the level of corruption is the same. Only 12 percent of those who participated in the poll said corruption was reduced.
According to the poll, the most corrupted are doctors and hospital chiefs of staff (73.6 %), heads of government agencies and bureaus (68.5%), and local officials (62.5%). The most corrupted sectors are judiciary (80.7%), health sector (79.7%) and local self-government units (73.1%).