Racan and Bandic said that despite speculation about internal party disputes, relations in the SDP both in Zagreb and on the national level were normal.
Announcing the establishment of an anti-corruption office in Zagreb, Bandic said that the office would employ experts and representatives of NGOs.
Racan added that the SDP would establish similar offices in other local units where it came to power.
He said that the party would present its programme focusing on the fight against corruption and further decentralisation at a party convention in June.
Asked with which party the SDP would form a coalition, considering claims from the Croatian People's Party (HNS) that Bandic was unacceptable as Zagreb mayor, Racan and Bandic said they were sorry about the HNS's position, adding that the HNS should wait for the outcome of the elections and then decide which party they would form a coalition with.
Racan said he expected the SDP to win enough votes in Zagreb to form government at local level on its own, but that even in such a case it would not rule out the possibility of forming coalitions with other parties.