Speaking to reporters, Ivic said that lists with party candidates had been submitted in 37 local self-government units in the county, and that a vast majority of HDZ municipal and town branches had
accepted recent decisions by the HDZ Presidency and National Council. The senior party bodies recently ousted the head of the party's Osijek County branch, Branimir Glavas, over his advocacy of regionalism.
Ivic said that a certain number of party members said that they had been misled by Glavas, who will run in the elections as an independent candidate. Ivic dismissed media speculation that he or any other member of the HDZ commission for Osijek-Baranja County had exerted pressure on any party members.
Ivic dismissed media reports saying that leading people of some state services in Osijek had been replaced, and said that the press would be informed on time about possible personnel changes.
He called on Glavas to hand over the party's offices and documents in Osijek in a civilised manner.
Asked about the drawing account of the party's Osijek County and city branch, Ivic said that slightly less than 700,000 kuna had been withdrawn from the account on April 21, but it was still not known what had happened with the money. He said that the persons who had taken the money had been obviously authorised to draw it at the time, but that the problem was what had happened with it.