Nenad Stazic of the SDP said the government deliberately had not listed the accounts abroad so that it could use the money in them to covertly buy off local councillors.
The SDP's Josip Leko accused the government of covering up 6.6 billion kuna of budgetary funds for 2004, namely of having spent 3.4 billion contrary to the law on public procurement and reallocated another 3.2 billion without parliament's consent.
Antun Kapraljevic of the People's Party (HNS) said that although the audit reports had been written well nothing had been done to remove irregularities and punish those responsible.
Finance Minister Ivan Suker rejected the accusations, saying that 3.2 billion of the 3.4 billion kuna the opposition claimed had been spent contrary to provisions on public procurement had been spent to buy medicines as had been done in the previous 10 years.
A state secretary at the Finance Ministry, Ante Zigman, rejected the accusations that the government was covering up its accounts abroad, saying that all foreign accounts had been listed in 2004 and that the amounts in those accounts were not secret.
(EUR1 = 7.4 kuna)