She backed her claim by telling the press that the government had launched the probe a few months before elections after criticism from the European Commission and the Croatian public that it was fighting corruption unsuccessfully.
She said the controlled investigation was aimed at covering up and forgetting other scandals for which the government was responsible such as the Brodosplit shipyard and road-building.
Skare-Ozbolt said the DC found it unacceptable that the ministers on the HFP steering board and the HFP president were shielded from responsibility while three HFP vice presidents were in prison.
She requested the government to publish the HFP's privatisation contracts and Parliament Speaker Vladimir Seks to have the chairman of the HFP supervisory board tell parliament why over the past four years the board had not reported to parliament once a year about the situation in the HFP.
The national coordinating body of Homeland War veterans' associations said in a statement that it fully supported President Stjepan Mesic, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, the government, the Interior Ministry, the Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organised Crime, the State Prosecutor's Office and the intelligence agency on the Maestro operation, which saw a number of HFP officials arrested for corruption.
The Croatian Pensioners Party said in a statement it had warned the government on a number of occasions about suspect ownership transformation and privatisation processes, calling for more concrete action.