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"Vukovar Three" express regret over Ovcara massacre

Autor: ;vmic;
ZAGREB, March 16 (Hina) - Addressing judges at the end of a year-and-a-half long trial at the Hague war crimes tribunal on Friday, former Yugoslav army officers known as the Vukovar Three expressed regret over a massacre on the Ovcara farm outside Vukovar where 260 Croatian prisoners of war had been executed in late 1991.
ZAGREB, March 16 (Hina) - Addressing judges at the end of a year-and-a-half long trial at the Hague war crimes tribunal on Friday, former Yugoslav army officers known as the Vukovar Three expressed regret over a massacre on the Ovcara farm outside Vukovar where 260 Croatian prisoners of war had been executed in late 1991.

"The essential question is: Why did Ovcara happen? (...) I can only say I'm sorry," Colonel Mile Mrksic said, adding that he regretted the deaths of his commanders and soldiers, ordinary people, citizens of Vukovar and Croatian defenders of the town.

Captain Miroslav Radic said he was sorry for the victims, but rejected the allegations that he had participated in the atrocities.

Major Veselin Sljivancanin expressed regret for "all the victims of the Vukovar tragedy," condemning the perpetrators for "doing evil to their own people and bringing sorrow and misfortune to the families of the victims."

Concluding the trial, the trial chamber said that a judgement would be handed down in the foreseeable future.

(Hina) vm

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