SAD - KAKAO Trgovačke spot cijene 16. listopada 1996.
minimalne količine vagona, cijene u am. dolarima po toni
Ivory Maincrop Maincrop 1614.00 N
Bahia superior Superior 1602.00 N
Sanchez FAQ FAQ 1454.00 N
Sulwaesi SAQ SAQ 1420.00 N
Arriba Superior Superior 1479.00 N
Malaysia 110 1524.00 N
Liquor Ecuador 2089.00 N
Liquor Brazil 2304.00 N
Maslac African 4010.00 N
Maslac drugi 4010.00 N
Natural Cake 10/12% 537.00 N
NEW YORK - Kakao cijene pri zatvaranju burze 16. listopada 1996.
DEC6 1403 1393 1408 1393 1399 1402
MAR7 1431 1424 1434 1424 1428 1432
MAY7 1445 1441 1449 1440 1445 1445
JUL7 1460 1455 1463 1460 1460 1460
SEP7 1474 1470 1474 1474 1474 1474
DEC7 1495 1491 1498 1491 1492 1493
MAR8 1518 1519 1519 1518 1513
MAY8 1530
JUL8 1553 1553
CSCE cocoa ends dull session slightly higher
NEW YORK, Oct 16 (Reuter) - CSCE cocoa prices ended
modestly higher in lackluster trade Wednesday, buoyed by
speculative and local buying, traders said.
Gains followed the market's weak opening as traders
initially took profits following Tuesday's sharply higher
The most-active December contract reached a peak of $1,408
a tonne today -- filling a gap on the charts between $1,406
and $1,408 a tonne -- but trade selling at the highs trimmed
gains, dealers said.
December settled at $1,402, up $6 on the day, after
reaching a low of $1,393. Second-position March also finished
$6 higher, at $1,432, while the remaining months ended
unchanged to $5 firmer.
On the charts, near-term December resistance was noted at
$1,412-$1,416 level, while strong support was seen at $1,380.
Volume was moderate, at an estimated 7,020 lots, up from
Tuesday's official tally of 5,508 lots.
Although traders generally downplayed the delayed opening
of the Ivory Coast cocoa marketing season, they said it may
provide some underlying support to the market. The opening,
which had been slated for Tuesday, could be pushed back to
October 23, traders said.
Traders await the U.S. third quarter grind figures due
Friday at 0845 EDT. Industry sources expected the U.S. numbers
to rise three and ten percent compared to the same period last
year, following strong European grinds reported over the last
two weeks.
171047 MET oct 96
Mlinarić: Ne pada nam na pamet srušiti vlastitu vladu
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Reijnders ostaje u Milanu do 2030.
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