U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 30. kolovoza 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 6,796 ( 1,328 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
77,57 centi (78,05 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 30. kolovoza 1996.
OCT6 75.40 76.35 76.40 75.25 75.60 75.65
DEC6 76.40 77.05 77.10 76.20 76.30 76.34
MAR7 77.45 78.20 78.26 77.30 77.45 77.55
MAY7 78.75 78.90 78.90 78.50 78.25 78.27
JUL7 79.40 79.55 79.55 78.92 78.92 78.92
OCT7 78.05 78.00 78.05 77.90 77.90 77.90
DEC7 76.90 77.05 77.15 76.75 76.90 76.90
MAR8 77.85 77.90 77.95
MAY8 78.25 78.50 78.60
JUL8 78.50 78.60 78.72
NYCE cotton ends lower as storm fears recede
NEW YORK, Aug 30 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures ended
lower as speculators opted to sell-off ahead of the long
weekend as weather-related fears evaporated, dealers said.
"The weather forecasters were saying the hurricanes were
not going to affect the cotton growing areas so the
speculators jumped out before the long weekend and took
profits from the last six days," a trader said.
If there is dry weather over Texas over the weekend,
cotton futures were expected to weaken further next week. Wet
weather would be supportive, the trader added.
December cotton went out 0.72 cent lower at 76.34 cents
per pound, traded 77.10 to 76.20 cents.
Hurricane Edouard lost strength and turned north on
Friday, lessening its threat to the U.S. Atlantic Coast.
Hurricane Fran and tropical storm Gustav were still far from
land, the National Hurricane Center said late-morning.
021117 MET sep 96
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