10. travnja 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 894 Med merino 21m 710
Fine merino 20m 760 Med merino 22m 668
Broad merino 23m 556 Comeback 25m 520n
Broad merino 24m 528 Comeback 26m 510n
Fine Xbred 27m 500n Med Xbred 29m 491n
Fine Xbred 28m 492n Med Xbred 30m 476n
Med Xbred 31m 471n Merino cardings 431
Xbred cardings 395n Eastern mkt ind 626
Australian wool indicator rises 3 cents to 626c/kg
MELBOURNE, April 10 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator rose three cents to 626 cents a kg clean on
Thursday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool International
Merino fleece was dearer, with 19/24 microns up slightly,
20/23/25/26m 0.5 percent dearer, and 21/22m one percent dearer,
it said.
Merino skirtings were generally unchanged while crossbeds of
27-31m were 0.5 percent dearer.
In cardings, lambs were fully firm but carbonising locks and
crutchings were up to three percent cheaper.
WI said Japanese interests, including China, were principal
buyers with support from Taiwan and Western Europe.
Of the 24,381 bales offered, 9.7 percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Adelaide and Fremantle
with about 103,100 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 10. travnja 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 505 58s SUPER 376
66s SUPER 462 58s BLENDED 361
64s SUPER 410 56s SUPER 345
64s BLENDED 400 54s CARDED 329
60s SUPER 390 50s CARDED 325
60s BLENDED 373 58s ENGLISH 271
56s ENGLISH 259
50s ENGLISH 256
Bradford wool helped by firmer Australian trend
BRADFORD April 10 (Reuter) - Sentiment in the Bradford wool
market was helped by a slightly firmer tendency in Australia at
the first sales after the Easter recess.
But there was little to indicate that buyers were inspired
to place new business. Retail sales in much of the clothing
sector are said to be good and deliveries to many firms in the
industry are going out well, but new replacement orders have not
been following just recently.
Currency volatility plays a part.
Competitiveness can decrease rapidly and imports can
undercut domestic prices, while the same volatliity can affect
other countries both favourably and unfavourably in Europe or
Placing new business is thus subject to greater uncertainty
and at present buyers from the retail end through to processing
seem very cautious in placing new orders to match what they take
Interest rate and political uncertainties ahead of the May 1
election fuelled caution in the UK.
111014 MET apr 97
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ATP ljestvica: Sinner i dalje na vrhu, Ćorić 143.