Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 07. travnja 1997.
INDEX 95/96 "A" 79,30 - ( 78,90) PRIJE
INDEX 95/96 "B" 73,40 - ( 73,10) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 07. travnja 1997.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
PAK SIND/PUNJAB-AFZAL 1-1/32(96/97) ------ nije navedeno
AFRICAN FRANC ZONES 1-3/32(96/97) Tra/Svi 78.00
AUSTRALIAN S.M 1-3/32(96/97) Tra/Svi 85.50
SUDAN BARAKAT NO. X4B 1-3/32(96/97) Lip/Srp 95.25
SUDAN ACALA 1 (96/97) Tra/Svi 66.25
PERU TANGIUS GRD 3-1/12 ------ nije navedeno
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 Tra/Svi 125.00
Liverpool cotton sees nearby offers stay firm
LONDON, April 7 (Reuter) - Nearby offering rates for the
principal upland growths of raw cotton stayed decisively firm as
the trade took account of the further recovery of New York
futures on Friday, the market's fourth consequtive rise.
But on most European markets the renewed strength of asking
prices was not enough to prompt a significant broadening of mill
Some spinners entered the market to test prices for their
outstanding requirements in the spring and summer but buying
interest mostly lacked conviction and the volume of new business
seemed modest.
081018 MET apr 97
PSV angažirao Lucasa Pereza
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Bosilj (SDP) će se ipak kandidirati za gradonačelnika Varaždina
Kremlj se nada da će nova njemačka vlada imati "trezven pogled na realnost"
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Gradonačelnik Radić: Osijek nije izgubio status velikog grada
HNB lani poslovao s 10,5 milijuna eura neto dobiti
Marko Giljača kandidat SDP, Možemo i Srđ je Grad za dubrovačko- neretvanskog župana
Dobit Končara D&ST 118 milijuna eura