Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 04. travnja 1997.
INDEX 95/96 "A" 78,90 - ( 78,70) PRIJE
INDEX 95/96 "B" 73,10 - ( 72,90) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 04. travnja 1997.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
PAK SIND/PUNJAB-AFZAL 1-1/32(96/97) ------ nije navedeno
AFRICAN FRANC ZONES 1-3/32(96/97) Tra/Svi 77.75
AUSTRALIAN S.M 1-3/32(96/97) Tra/Svi 85.00
SUDAN BARAKAT NO. X4B 1-3/32(96/97) Lip/Srp 95.25
SUDAN ACALA 1 (96/97) Tra/Svi 66.25
PERU TANGIUS GRD 3-1/12 ------ nije navedeno
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 Tra/Svi 125.00
Liverpool Cotton - Steadier offers calm markets
LONDON, April 4 (Reuter) - The steadier appearance of
offering rates for most upland styles exerted a calming effect
on most European raw cotton markets.
Many traders see a continued underlying mill demand for
northern spring and summer shipments, but spinners are covering
needs in rather a selective way.
Central Asian and African better grades attract steady
inquiry and the continued availability of Syrian medium and
better grades has also commanded some attention. But the volume
of new business seems limited.
070955 MET apr 97
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