ZAGREB, Dec 24 (Hina) - President of the Republic of Croatia
Dr.Franjo Tudjman sent a Christmas message congratulating the
holidays saying.
"Christmas days, when people are celebrating Jesus Christ's
birthday, have always been filled the Croatian people with the
spirit of peace, joy, harmony, and reconciliation with their
neighbours and the warmth of the family atmosphere.
Unfortunately, in these festive days a part of the Croatian people
are suffering under the horrible storms of war and violence.
Therefore, let this Christmas be the source of light and hope in
the closest possible end of war and suffering, the beginning of
peace and new life in the free and internationally recognized
Croatia to all those suffering, the disabled and wounded, those who
mourn for their dear deceased and await the return of their dear
ones, to those who have not been able to return to their homes.
Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it today; to the
Catholics, the Orthodox, Evangelists and members of all other
Christian communities in Croatia, to the Croats at home and abroad,
especially those in the war-struck Bosnia-Herzegovina and all
citizens of Croatia.
Let Christmas be merry to all Croatian defenders who perform their
duties without any hatred and desire for revenge.
Let this be a Merry Christmas to the Croatia all over the world,
who unselfishly have helped their country in the most difficult
times of her history and shown the strength and unity of the
Croatian people.
Let it be a Merry Christmas to all those who helped and offered
shelter to the displaced persons and refugees, the homeless and the
poor, who are helping the wounded and bringing food and medicines
to the ill and the hungry.
I also wish a Merry Christmas to all children, youth, all Croatian
families and all people of good will," Croatian President says in
his Christmas message.
241117 MET dec 93
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