ZAGREB, Dec 5 (Hina) - Former British Premier Lady Margaret
Thatcher forwarded a letter to Special Rapporteur to the UN
Commission on Human Rights, Tadeus Mazowiecky, in which she would
like to draw his attention once more to the unknown fate of the
missing wounded persons from the hospital of Vukovar expressing her
condemnation of the Serbian aggression against Croatia and Bosnia-
Her letter reads:" I have recently been visited by several ladies
from the destroyed Croatian city of Vukovar. They are trying to
draw the attention of the international community to the fact that
so many people from Vukovar- among them their own sons- are still
unaccounted for. They told me how a Serb Colonel- one Veselin
Sljivcanin- ordered the Vukovar hospital patient and staff (and
other sheltering there) to get into six busses, allegedly taking
them to an interrogation centre. Those people- some 269 of them, I
am told- have never been seen again. Perhaps they have been
executed and their bodies are in the suspected mass graves at
Ovcara and elsewhere which I understand the Serbs are preventing
you and the International Red Cross investigating. But perhaps some
of them are still alive; it is suggested that they may be in labour
camps within Serbia. As you will understand, the mothers of
Vukovar- and many, many others- remain in an agony of doubt about
their sons, fearing yet not knowing the worst.
There is, of course, so much cruelty and suffering in the former
Yugoslavia that the case of Vukovar can be echoed elsewhere. But I
do find it monstrous that the Serbs are able to get away with
refusing to account for the whereabouts of those they took from
this hospital- and that although they do so the international
community is seriously considering lifting sanctions on Serbia.
Moreover, Vukovar has a special symbolic significance which will
certainly not be lost on you. It was here that the Serbs first
demonstrated the full nature of their policy of ethnic cleansing to
the extent of the total destruction of a thousand year old city. My
view is well known: that if the West had stood up to Milosevic's
aggression at Vukovar we could have preventing the ensuing warfare
which now is engulfing Bosnia too.
I do now urge you to do all in your power to draw attention to the
obstruction which the Serbs are placing in the way of uncovering
the truth about the fate of those who were in Vukovar hospital and
to have the Serbian Government make available the suspected mass
graves for international inspection. This scandal is, indeed,
surely a matter for the Security Council itself since it goes to
the very heart of whether Serbia is to be treated as a
participating member of the international community or as an
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