DEBRECEN, Nov 20 (Hina) - Foreign Minister of the Republic of
Croatia Dr. Mate Granic is to take part at the regular
conference of the foreign ministers of the ten countries of the
Central Europe's Initiative, that is organized in the Hungarian
town of Debrecen.
The conference will be opened today by the Hungarian Foreign
Minister, Geza Jeszenszky. The foreign ministers are to discuss
behind the closed doors the issues of the situation on the area
of the former Yugoslavia, economic cooperation between the
countries-members of the Central Europe's Initiatives, while the
issue of national minorities will be given special emphasis at
this conference.
The foreign ministers of the countries of the Central Europe's
are to adopt a declaration, the main point of which were already
considered by the national coordinators at Friday's session. The
Croatian representative at that session of the national
coordinators was Dr. Smiljan Simac, an aide to the Croatian
Foreign Minister. According to certain reports received by the
Croatian Foreign Ministry, one of the most subtle points of that
declaration referred to the situation in the former Yugoslavia.
A press-briefing of all foreign ministers of the countries-
members of the Central Europe's Initiative should take place
today after the end of their Conference.
Croatian Foreign Minister is planning to meet the chairman of
the Conference, held in Debrecen, Hungarian Foreign Minister
Jeszenszky, this afternoon.
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