ZAGREB, Nov 19 (Hina) - "Just because our delegation was composed of
several parties we were very well received, and in the talks we showed
that we all agree in view of the strategic directions of the Croatian
policy," Stipe Mesic said at last night's press briefing on his and
Croatian delegation's return from the official visit to the European
Parliament in Strasbourg.
"The Croatian delegation received fewer delegations on the situation in
Croatia. The interest was shown in the incidents that we too are not
happy with, but that are not the feature of the Croatian policy," Mesic
said. The members of European Parliamentary were mostly interested in
the issues concerned with B-H, such as the problems of halting the
humanitarian convoys and the protection of the humanitarian rights in B-
H. Mesic stated that Croatia will act towards preventing the incidents
to the greatest extent.
"In reference to the direct questions, we condemned every crime,
including the crimes committed by Croats," Mesic stated and added that
the crime must be individualized and those responsible must answer.
Mesic also stated his belief that the question of Croatia the inclusion
into the PHARE program, and then other financial institutions.
191231 MET nov 93
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