ZAGREB, Nov 15 (Hina) - A delegation of the Foreign Relations Committee of
the Croatian Parliament will meet with senior officials of the European
Parliament during a visit to Strasbourg on November 16-18. They will
exchange views on the current relations in the European Community, the
political and economic situation in Croatia with special reference to
Croatia's relations with its neighbours, the situation in the UN Protected
Areas and relations with the UN Protection Force. The talks will also focus
on the position of the minorities, human rights and freedom of the press as
well as on relations between the EC and Croatia, admission of Croatia to
the PHARE programme and the peace process in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
During their stay in Strasbourg, the Croatian delegation will also meet
with president of the European Parliament Egon Klepsch and representatives
Claude Cheysson, Jack Stuart Clark, Otto von Habsburg, Leo Tindemans, Doris
Pack and other senior officials and representatives of political groups in
the European Parliament.
151630 MET nov 93
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