STRASBOURG, Nov 4 (Hina) - President of the Croatian Parliament
Stipe Mesic met on Thursday with the delegation of the Parliament
of Bosnia and Herzegovina headed by Miro Lazovic.
"The meeting with the delegation of the Bosnian Parliament
occurred incidentally in the Parlamentary Assembly of the Council
of Europe", said Mesic. President of the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe Miguel Angel Martinez called the
Croatian and Bosnian representatives in order to consider mutual
problems in the B-H war, and the war which is going on in some
parts of Croatia.
The talks stressed that this was not a matter of civil war, but
an agression, and Martinez agreed on that. It was said that this
war must be halted by one single action.
"We agreed to continue our contacts in Zagreb and in Sarajevo,
and that we would agree on mutual visits", concluded Mesic.
(end) j-jt
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