ZADAR, Nov 12 (Hina) - A delegation of Croatian civil and military
authorities met in Zadar on Friday with commanders of the UN Protection
Force in Sector South to discuss the issues concerning a possible cease-
fire agreement in the area.
Following the meeting held behind closed doors, the head of the Croatian
Government Office for Relations with UNPROFOR in Sector South, Milivoj
Tomas, told reporters that Croatia was ready to agree on a cease-fire.
According to UNPROFOR officials, the rebel Serbs were also interested in
achieving a cease-fire, so that another meeting was arranged to solve the
Answering questions posed by the Croatian side, UNPROFOR officials said
that in the Serb-held village of Matasi near Drnis (pink zone adjacent to
UNPA South) Croats had been exposed to certain intolerable action, after
which UNPROFOR stepped up protection of the local Croatian population.
UNPROFOR officials went on to say that protection of Croatian in the
occupied villages of Kijevo and Podlapaca had also been strengthened.
There are ten Croats left in Kijevo, mainly elderly people. Two Croatian
men have been arrested in Podlapaca, but have been released.
UNPROFOR has opened an office for civil affairs in Podlapaca.
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