MOSTAR, Dec 16 (Hina) - The president of the Moslem-Croat
Federation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kresimir Zubak, today said Croat
representatives would support his replacement by a Moslem provided
that the prime minister be appointed from among the Bosnian Croats.
Zubak told Hina that one of the key Federal posts - either
president or prime minister - should be held by a Croat.
"Despite our confidence in Bosnian Moslem officials, we cannot
transfer to them the right to represent the Croats in contacts with
the international community," Zubak stressed.
He recalled that the Constituent Assembly had adopted an
amendment to the Federal Constitution extending the transition
period until the enactment of the Constitution.
The time limit was extended because elections failed to be
held during that period, Zubak said.
(hina) jn vm
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