SARAJEVO, Dec 14 (Hina) - The Bosnian Federation Constituent
Assembly broke up this afternoon after just twenty minutes in
session, Sarajevo radio said.
Party of Democratic Action (SDA) member Ethem Bicakcic moved
that the Assembly discharge the Federation's President Kresimir
Zubak and install Ejup Ganic, the current vice-president of the
Federation, for the next six-month period.
Bicakcic cited the Vienna Agreement, which "stipulates that
the president and the vice-president are to automatically change
places after six month terms."
Croatian Democratic Union of Boshia-Herzegovina (HDZ BiH)
member Ivan Bender opposed the exchange.
He, too, cited the Vienna Agreement saying that the six-month
mandate was automatically extended if the "transition period" was
not completed according to schedule.
"The Croats refuse to accept that all the important government
posts be held by Moslems," Bender said.
A recess was called at Bender's suggestion to enable deputies
to reach an agreement.
Today's 28-item agenda, proposed by acting Speaker Mariofil
Ljubic, did not include a discussion on Ganic and Zubak changing
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