ZAGREB, Dec 14 (Hina) - The ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
said today it would support "any solution agreed upon by the
Government and railway workers" that fitted into the framework of
the economic stabilisation scheme.
"HDZ is interested in the welfare of every Croatian man and
woman - so we are going to uphold any solution that makes it
possible to increase railway workers' salaries," HDZ secretary-
general Zlatko Canjuga told a press conference today.
But nevertheless, HDZ saw something shady and manipulative
behind the strike, saying that railwaymen were being used to
"politicise and destabilise" the economic situation in Croatia.
"After the politicisation of the teachers' strike, these
clandestine groups now want to politicise and disrupt other
important public and private companies," Canjuga said.
141729 MET dec 94
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