ZAGREB, Dec 6 (Hina) - The leaders of seven parliamentary
Opposition parties today called for an urgent debate in Parliament
on Friday's economic agreement with Knin Serbs, in a letter to
Speaker Nedjeljko Mihanovic.
The agreement, which was distributed to deputies this morning,
stipulates that "UNPROFOR troops would patrol in the area between
the UN Protected Area West and Zagreb."
"UNPROFOR's mandate is thereby extended to areas outside the
UNPAs, in contravention of UN resolutions, previous agreements and
the Conclusions adopted by the Croatian Parliament," the letter
Furthermore, the Contact Group has come up with a new plan
for Bosnia-Herzegovina, which gives the Bosnian Serbs a chance to
form confederal links with Yugoslavia, the letter said.
The letter also referred to Russia's veto to a CSCE
(Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) resolution
describing Firday's agreement as another 'stage' in the
reintegration of occupied areas into Croatia's constitutional
"To stop the House of Representatives from addressing these
crucial issues would constitute an obstruction of Parliament," the
letter said.
The letter was signed by members of the Croatian Social
Liberal Party, Social Democratic Party, Croatian Independent
Democrats, Croatian Farmers' Party, Croatian Party of Rights and
the Istrian Democratic Alliance.
(hina) jn as
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