BUENOS AIRES, Dec 2 (Hina) - "If the Serbs obstruct the
implementation of the economic agreement, Croatia will be entitled
to use all means to reintegrate these areas and will have the
support of the entire international community in its attempt,"
President Tudjman told a Buenos Aires press conference today.
He was referring to an agreement on economic issues, signed
today by Croatian government and Knin Serb representatives.
"The signing of this agreement is the second step in the
reintegration of the occupied areas into the Croatian legal
system," President Tudjman said.
"The first step was the cease-fire and the third step will be
an overall reintegration agreement."
"This agreement is unanimously backed by the international
community and the chief international factors," he said.
"This proves that the Serbs, including their Belgrade
principals, have accepted, by signing this agreement, the peaceful
reintegration of the occupied areas into Croatia," Tudjman said.
"This is very important and profitable for Croatia, because
these territories will be reintegrated by peaceful means and there
won't be any victims," he said.
(hina) as sd
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