VITEZ, Nov 5 (Hina) - A Joint Commission for the cease fire
implementation in central Bosnia subcommittee session was held
today in the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR) base near Vitez. The
session, chaired by the commander of the British UN battalion,
Brigadier Mc Coll, was attended by the commander of the Croatian
Defence Council (HVO) in the Vitez district, Brigadier Filipovic,
and by the vice commander of Bosnian Army Seventh Corps, Brigadier
Brig. Mc Coll said the cooperation between Bosniac and Croat
forces in this part of Bosnia should be followed by others in
establishing the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The main problem, however, in Central Bosnia remained to be
labelling and clearing of minefields. Only 20 p.c. of the
minefields had been marked so far in zones of separation. Other
minefields were to be appropriately labelled before the forthcoming
winter and snows.
As regards an agreement on disengaging the forces British
Brigadier said Bosnian Army Seventh Corps 325th unit had not yet
removed the observation posts.
The return of the displaced persons to homes in the zones of
separation had been carried out slower than it was planned, because
local commands did not offer necessary support in repatriating the
The British commander also said that the Bosniac (Moslem) side
in the Gornji Vakuf joint commission rejected to sign agreements on
expanding freedom of movements in the central Bosnian
municipalities of Gornji Vakuf, Prozor and Bugojno.
(hina) mms
051847 MET nov 94
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