SARAJEVO, Nov 1 (Hina) - Situation in the Sarajevo greater area was
still very tense because of fighting on Mount Igman, a UN
Protection Force (UNPROFOR) spokesman, Herve Gourmelon, said today.
Bosnian Army soldiers last night had withdrawn from a
demilitarized zone in Mount Igman, but some of them came back there
this morning, he said.
The French UN peacekeepers, deployed in this crisis spot,
spotted that Bosnian soldiers had SAM-7 anti-aircraft rockets.
UNPROFOR commander in the Sarajevo Sector, General Gobilliard,
was expected today to hold talks in the UNPROFOR headquarters with
Bosnian Army First Corps senior officers on calming down tension on
Mount Igman. The Serb commander of troops besieging the Bosnian
capital, General Milosevic, refused any negotiations with him.
Several detonations last nigh echoed in some suburbs of
Sarajevo including Hrasnica, but UN Spokesman Gourmelon said he
"does not know whether there were any artillery or mortar assaults"
on the city.
He said the UN peace keepers could not know exactly what had
happened because of technical difficulty and limited movement of UN
military observers as well as because of the fact that special
radars cannot "cover" the entire city at the same time.
According to reports by the Bosnian Army three civilians were
killed and a dozen wounded in Serb mortar shelling in this crisis
Serb forces on Monday attacked the Danish 'blue helmets' in
the eastern Bosnian enclave of Srebrenica, Spokesman Gourmelon said
and added that NATO had been asked to send its aircraft due to the
incident. No more details on the incident had been reported, what
was explained by "difficulties in the communication between the UN
headquarters in Sarajevo and UN troops on the ground".
The communication between the UN peace keepers in western
Bosnia and the Sarajevo headquarters were cut off on Monday, UN
Spokesman said and added the UN observers could not know exactly
where the current front line between the Bosnian Army Fifth Corps
and the Serb forces was established in the crisis spot.
(hina) mms
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