NEW YORK, Nov 4 (Hina) - The United States of America urged members
of the UN General Assembly to support the Bosnian Government's
request that the UN Security Council lift the arms embargo against
Bosnia now, with implementation in six months, if the Bosnian Serbs
do not agree to a settlement of the Contact Group by that time, US
Ambassador Madeleine Albright said at yesterday's session of the UN
General Assembly in New York.
Albright said her government recognized that lifting the arms
embargo had risks. "But inaction has greater risks," she said
explaining that status quo allows the Bosnian Serbs to dictate the
outcome of the war which they started.
Talking about fears that the Bosnian Serbs could retaliate
against the UNPROFOR for lifting the arms embargo, Albright said
that UN could not allow to be blackmailed by the Bosnian Serbs.
Bosnia-Herzegovina is a sovereign state and a UN member and it
does not need anybody's permission to arm and defend itself,
Albright said.
(hina) jas ks
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