ZAGREB, March 8 (Hina) - UNPROFOR intends to open the Tuzla airport
as soon as possible, but the exact date could not be set yet, said
the UN Spokesperson Matthew Nerzig at today's press conference at
the Zagreb UN HQ. Yesterday afternoon, 100 soldiers from the Nordic
battalion with nine tanks took control over Tuzla airport
previously held by Muslims.
The truce in Sarajevo is being maintained apart from minor
breaches. The situation in Central Bosnia is similar, and the Croat
and Muslim sides have been agreeing over technical details in the
maintainig of the ceasefire. Two Spanish battalion units should be
deployed today in Mostar on both sides of the river Neretva in
order to monitor the truce, the spokesperson said.
Nerzig expressed concern over the situation in Maglaj, which
was recently pronounced a protected area by UN Security Council.
The UN presently has no available troops to deploy in this town, he
said. UNHCR will try to send a convoy to Maglaj, a town which has
not received any kind of humanitarian relief since October last
year, Nerzig added.
As far as the situation in the Croatian UNPAs, Nerzig said
that yesterday's course of events in Sector South was disturbing
yesterday, but that the situation improved during the night.
081438 MET mar 94
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