ZAGREB, Feb 6 (Hina) - 58 wounded Sarajevans will be evacuated
today from Sarajevo to the airport of Ramstein in Germany,
according to a statement issued by the UNHCR in Zagreb on Sunday
The UNHCR spokeswoman, Alemka Lisinski, said that an airplane
of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) would first
transport lightly injured and those who will accompany them, in
general the relatives of these wounded persons. Afterwards, a plane
of the U.S. Army would evacuated more seriously wounded.
Ms. Lisinski explained that 25 persons, who were wounded in
Saturday's massacre at the market, are to be evacuated, while
another 33 persons for evacuations are the previously wounded
Sarajevans. These 58 wounded are to be transported from the airport
of Ramstein to a regional hospital in Landstuhl, run by the U.S.
The evacuation of these wounded is very important, since
there will be more beds and space in the Sarajevo hospital for the
wounded whose critical condition does not allow their immediate
evacuation by plane, according to the UNHCR spokeswoman.
The Zagreb-based office of the ICRC stated that 150 persons
should be evacuated from Sarajevo on Sunday. A plane of the ICRC
will deliver medical aid to the Sarajevo hospitals.
The U.S. Army's plane for the evacuation of the wounded from
Sarajevo will also deliver medicines for the hospitals in this
city, whereas another American airplane will bring the medical
equipment to Sarajevo on Sunday afternoon.
The UNHCR spokesperson said that the organization of this
evacuation was the result of good cooperation of the U.S. Army, the
U.N. agencies and the ICRC with the B-H government and Sarajevo's
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