ZAGREB, Feb 1 (Hina) - Representatives of the organizational
committee of the humanitarian convoy for the region of Tuzla (NE
Bosnia) and Bosanska Posavina at today's press conference in Zagreb
informed that the convoy with 250 trucks and some 4100 tonnes of
relief is waiting for the guarantees by the Republic of Croatia and
Bosnian Serb representatives in order to depart on February 5.
Our intention is that the convoy takes the shortest way - via
Bosanska Posavina, said head of the committee Ahmed Salihcehajic.
Tuzla is only 330km away from Zagreb, if that route is taken, while
the convoy would pass just 5km through the area controlled by
Bosnian Serbs, he added.
The press conference stated that in the area of Tuzla some
million people are living in Serb encirclement. Chief of Tuzla
region delegation in the Republic of Croatia Mirza Kuluglic said
that in that area Croats and Muslims have been living in tolerance
exposed to attacks of their mutual enemy - the Bosnian Serbs.
011505 MET feb 94
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