ZAGREB, May 26 (Hina) - Croatia's President, Franjo Tudjman, today
received a delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, headed by
First Vice President Hasan Habibi, a Presidential Office statement
The Iranian delegation also included Trade Minister Mr. Al-
Ishaq, Transport Minister Mr. Torkan and Ambassador to Croatia Mr.
President Tudjman and the Iranian officials agreed that it was
necessary to strengthen economic cooperation between the two
Vice President Habibi informed President Tudjman of a decision
to establish a joint commission for promoting economic relations
between Croatia, Iran and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
President Tudjman welcome the idea, saying that it would help
boost Croatian-Iranian cooperation and strengthen the Croat-Bosniac
(Moslem) Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Vice President Habibi congratulated the President and the
Croatian people on the liberation of Western Slavonia, hoping that
problems caused by Serbian aggression against Croatia and Bosnia-
Herzegovina would be solved as soon as possible, the statement
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