ZAGREB, Feb 13 (Hina) - The two-day international conference titled
'Strengthening Democracy', ended last night in Zagreb.
Some 60 representatives from civil groups, independent media
and non-government organisations from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Slovenia
and Vojvodonja, as well as 30 representatives from American and
West European organisations and foundations, took part in the
conference, organised by the 'Erasmus Guild' in Zagreb and the
Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
Organisers claim the conference achieved its aim - 'to
establish communication between civil and non-government
A statement from conference participants agreed that such a
conference provided moral and practical support for strengthening
democracy in this part of Europe.
'We believe that independent states can best ensure their
international legitimacy if they respect human rights - and the
right to free speech and organisation,' conference participants
(hina) jn sd
131239 MET feb 95
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