ZAGREB, Feb 11 (Hina) - A two-day international conference titled
"Promotion of Democracy" today began in Zagreb. The meeting was
organized by the Zagreb-based "Erasmus Gilde" group and the
Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Some twenty American and Western European foundations as well
as by representatives of about fifty civilian groups, non-
governmental organizations, independent trade unions, publications
and media from Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro,
Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia including Kosovo and Vojvodina, took
part in the conference.
The conference was aimed at promoting better relations between
non-government and civilian organizations and at improving the
coordination of western foundations which finance independent media
in the countries emerging from the former Yugoslavia.
At today's plenary session at the Hotel Esplanade participants
rendered reports on civilian activities in their countries and on
problems they faced most frequently in encounters with the
The conference is to end tomorrow night and a press conference
is expected afterwards.
(hina) jn sd mms
111701 MET feb 95
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