ZAGREB, Feb 10 (Hina) - Asked if there was a threat of clashes
with Knin Serbs after UNPROFOR's exit, President Tudjman said
Croatia would continue seeking a peaceful solution not only after
UNPROFOR had left but also during its departure.
"We firmly believe that UNPROFOR's departure will not lead to
the re-eruption of war," Tudjman said, adding that he could not
rule out the possibility of incidents occurring.
Asked if Croatia was prepared for UNPROFOR's departure from
the zone of separation with rebel Serb forces, Tudjman said "it's
understandable that we haven't made this decision in haste but that
we have carefully examined how we shall proceed as the situation
Asked if Croatia had brought itself into a diplomatic
stalemate by cancelling the UNPROFOR mandate, Tudjman said it
hadn't, but that it wanted to solve as soon as possible the problem
of its occupied areas in the spirit of the relevant U.N. Security
Council and General Assembly resolutions.
Croatia had displayed ample readiness in reconciling its moves
with the international community.
"We could no longer tolerate the occupation of Croatian
territories," Tudjman stressed.
"We judge that the resumption of war is not in Serbia's
interest...likewise, the efforts of international community are
directed at making the warring parties see that a peaceful
settlement is necessary," he said, adding that the Russian
Government had said repeatedly that it recognised the territorial
integrity of Croatia, calling on Croatian Serbs to solve their
problem within Croatia's borders.
"Knin Serbs cannot expect any support from the international
community. Belgrade is keen to end the crisis and hopes that by
participating in the peace process it will end the position of
being internationally isolated, which is where Serbia found itself
for its aggression and support of the occupation of Croatian
territories and for being an accessory to the aggression in
Asked why he was conducting political negotiations with
terroritsts and the rebel leaders of a Serb phantom state within
Croatia, Tudjman said that throughout history, beligerent parties
negotiated to end their conflicts.
"In this case we are negotiating to achieve a peaceful
solution because this is also what the entire international
community wants," Tudjman said.
"But in those political negotiations we won't yield to any
sort of demands and least of all to terrorist demands.
"On the contrary we will consistently abide by international
conventions, the Croatian Constitution and the Constitutional Law
in an effort to solve all issues on the agenda."
Asked if Croatia would take any steps, and if so, which,
regarding the Croatian Serb offensive on the northwestern Bosnian
Moslem-held enclave of Bihac, Tudjman said there was no fear of the
Serbs taking over the area because the Bosnian Army and the Croat
Defence Council (HVO) had so far put up a stiff and successful
"But in any case," Tudjman emphasised, "it indicates to the
international public that Serb forces from occupied Croatian areas
are still being used in the offensive and in Bosnia, which again
proves the need for the problem to be solved."
(hina) jn sd vm
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