ZAGREB, Feb 3 (Hina) - The Croatian Foreign Ministry today
released the following statement:
"In yesterday's issue of the Italian newspaper Il Giornale,
journalist Renato Farina wrote an article on Yugoslav Foreign
Minister Vladislav Jovanovic dismissing his (recent) interview
with the paper. In order to avoid any possible misunderstanding
and biassed interpretations, the Foreign Ministry of the Republic
of Croatia wishes to state the following:
In a severe protest note on 30 January 1995 to the Chief of
the Bureau of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Zagreb,
Croatian Deputy Foreign Minister Ivo Sanader explicitly said that
the protest referred to Jovanovic's statements on the Jasenovac
concentration camp and Croatia's occupation of Istria -
emphasizing that such an interview certainly did not contribute
to efforts at normalizing relations between the two countries,"
the statement concluded.
(hina) sd vm
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