ZAGREB, Jan 26 (Hina) A book titled "On Suffering with Hope" by
Bosnian Croat Cardinal, the Archbishop of the Sarajevo Archdiocese,
Vinko Puljic, was presented last night in Zagreb.
The book is a collection of Cardinal Puljic's letters to Pope
John Paul II, including many excerpts from Cardinal Puljic's
interviews with foreign and home journalists as well as his
appeals, protests and reports on the situation in the Sarajevo
Archdiocese and Bosnia. The book also deals with the position of
Croatian Roman Catholics in Bosnia, and the testimony about the war
and Sarajevans' plight.
Before the outbreak of the war there had been about 500,000
Roman Catholics in 144 parishes of the Sarajevo Archdiocese
(Sarajevo, central Bosnia, the Tuzla wider area and Bosnian
Posavina). Only 30,000 Roman Catholics remained now in 5 parishes
in the Archdiocese.
At the promotion of his book Cardinal Puljic showed a cross
made out of pieces of shrapnel. The cross on Cardinal Puljic's
bosom was a symbol of the 1000-day siege of Sarajevo and its
(hina) mar mms
261157 MET jan 95
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