ZAGREB, Jan 29 (Hina) - Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman, Sunday
received a delegation of the Croatian International Association of
the Youth (HMZM), led by its head Pavo Gagulic.
The HMZM members, who included mostly the second generation of
Croatian immigrants in Canada, told President Tudjman about the
HMZM activities in Croatian Diaspora in USA and Canada. One of the
goals of this associations was to stimulate young people of
Croatian origins to return to Croatia so that they could engage
themselves in the progress of the homeland.
They welcomed a proposal to establish the ministry for
immigration and supported President Tudjman's decision to end
UNPROFOR's current mandate in Croatia.
The HMZM head, Pavo Gagulic, said this association had been
founded in Toronto. Its members as part of Task Forces had
participated in the reconstruction of war-stricken Croatian towns
such as Vocin and Dubrovnik as well as of the village of Ravno in
The HMZM secretary for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mate Boras, spoke
of problems the young people faced when they returned to the
homeland. Many of these problems referred to receiving necessary
identity papers and documents.
President Tudjman emphasized the importance of the demographic
revival of Croatia, and added that the return of the Croatian youth
to the homeland was of strategic importance for Croatia.
He stressed that necessary conditions should be created for
normal life and work of Croatian repatriates and called on the HMZM
members to engage in the work of the future ministry of
immigration, Croatian study of diplomacy and journalism.
President Tudjman spoke of the current political developments
in light of Croatia's efforts to peacefully reintegrate its
occupied areas under present international circumstances.
He spoke of the reopening of the Zagreb-Lipovac Highway and
the Adriatic oil pipeline as well as of the forthcoming reopening
of the railway lines toward Okucani and Split via Knin.
The judgment referring the decision to terminate of UNPROFOR's
mandate was proven correct, and such a decision would not lead up
to a total war between Croatia and Serbia, President Tudjman said
and emphasized that the normalization of Croatian-Serbian relations
was in the interest of Croatia.
The meeting was attended by the President's advisor, Branimir
Jaksic, the President's home affairs advisor Ivic Pasalic, and the
head of the President's cabinet, Zdravka Busic.
(hina) mms
291518 MET jan 95
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