ZAGREB, Jan 27 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman today
received a delegation of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences,
led by Academy president Ivan Supek.
The delegation also included Academy vice president Ivo
Padovan, Humanities Division secretary Alica Wertheimer-Baletic and
Academy secretary Milan Mogus.
President Tudjman supported the Academy's initiative to
organize an open scientific meeting ahead of the 50th anniversary
of the victory over fascism.
Noting that the tragedy of the Croatian people during World
War Two and its aftermath was insufficiently examined in Croatia
from an historical and factual perspective, Tudjman said such
meetings should be organized to promote an understanding of
Croatian policy and arguments in favour of the free Croatian state.
Wertheimer-Baletic said draft papers on fascism, antifascism,
the Jasenovac concentration camp and Bleiburg, would be presented
at the meeting which would create an impetus for further research.
Also present at the talks were the President's advisers,
Branimir Jaksic and Zeljka Corak.
(hina) mm sd vm
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