ZAGREB, Jna 25 (Hina) - The President's Special Envoy Miomir Zuzul
and Advisor for Bosnian confederal issues Bosiljko Misetic, today
met Bosnian Federation Premier Haris Silajdzic at Zagreb airport.
We agreed that it would be a good idea to propose a tripartite
meeting involving US, Croatian and Bosnian Federation
representatives, to find ways to speed up the Federation's
development, in line with the Washington Accords and the Vienna
Documents, Zuzul said after the talks.
He said another idea floated today was for that for the
tripartite meeting to debate on the global resolution of the crisis
in former Yugoslavia.
"We also discussed the situation arising from the decision to
end the UNPROFOR mandate and the situation to be expected after the
expiry of the four-month truce in Bosnia," Zuzul said.
Misetic identified the main stumbling blocks on the young
Federation's path as "the organisation of the army, police,
customs, the financial system and foreign affairs."
"These things can be settled if both sides sit down and
discuss them," he judged.
According to Misetic, the process of establishing the
Federation may take time.
"The Croatian side has shown once again that there is a firm
determination and awareness that the Federation is the optimal
solution for Croatia. The Moslems, for their part, will have to
realise that if they want a state or any existence at all, there is
no viable alternative to an alliance with the Croats," Misetic
"They have to give up any hopes to apply the Serbian outvoting
formula and get themselves a Croat-free state in Bosnia-
Herzegovina," Misetic said.
The Moslems should create the conditions for the return of
Croats to central Bosnia - otherwise, there was no chance for the
Before talking to Zuzul and Misetic, Silajdzic met US
Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith.
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