ZADAR, Jan 25 (Hina) - Talks on the implementation of the December
2 Economic Agreement were to continue in Knin on Friday between
Croatian government and Serb authorities from the occupied Croatian
areas, UN Sector South Spokesman said at a Zadar press conference
The talks would focused on reopening the railway lines from
Zagreb through UNPA West to Tovarnik and from Zagreb through UNPA
South to Split, he said.
Regarding the Croatian President Franjo Tudjman's decision to
end UNPROFOR's mandate, Roberts wondered how Croatia's occupied
areas could be peacefully reintegrated and how the Zagreb-Lipovac
highway would be supervised without UNPROFOR's deployment.
Roberts conveyed to reporters the Knin authorities' position
that they would refuse to negotiate with the Croatian government if
UNPROFOR left. But they would continue economic cooperation.
UNPROFOR was to reinforce control over the villages of Bruska
and Rodaljice where only 31 Croats remained, Roberts said adding
the UN Canadian battalion was to introduce soon the round-the-clock
police patrols in the area.
(hina) jn rv
251811 MET jan 95
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