ZAGREB, Jan 25 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic today
submitted a report to the House of Representatives on ending the
UNPROFOR mandate in Croatia.
Granic addressed the same issue in his report yesterday to the
parliamentary upper house.
Granic stressed that President Franjo Tudjman had made the
decision to terminate the UNPROFOR mandate deeply aware of all its
By reintegrating currently occupied territories, Croatia
wanted to create conditions for a speedier overall economic and
social development, he added.
Granic reiterated the Government's estimate that UNPROFOR had
failed to meet demands of the Croatian Parliament and public.
UNPROFOR was blamed for failing to implement key operational
provisions of the Vance plan and all relevant UN Security Council
But chief responsibility for this should not be ascribed to
UNPROFOR only, Granic emphasized.
He said key international factors bore their share of the
blame as they failed to find solutions based on Security Council
resolutions and agree on UNPROFOR's role in the peace process.
The rump Yugoslav federation of Serbia and Montenegro and
local Serb authorities in occupied Croatian areas were described as
main culprits responsible for undermining the peace process.
A lasting settlement could not be reached until the Yugoslav
federation and local Serb authorities accepted the inevitability of
reintegrating occupied areas into the legal, economic and political
system of the Republic of Croatia, Granic stressed.
Granic said Croatia would now concentrate on the
implementation of all relevant UN Security Council and General
Assembly resolutions regarding the overall reintegration of
occupied territories.
"Croatia's fundamental interest has never been war but peace,"
Granic emphasized.
He said Serbs in Croatia would be guaranteed cultural autonomy
and the highest level of local autonomy in municipalities where
they had been in the majority before the war; full respect for
human and ethnic rights which could be supervised by
representatives of the international community; and reintegration
into the administrative and social system through reconstruction
and development.
Croatia was willing to continue talks on the overall
normalization of Croatian-Serbian relations and relations between
Croatia and Yugoslavia on the basis of mutual recognition, which
would be in the interest of both countries as well as in the
interest of peace in this part of Europe.
(hina) mm vm
251547 MET jan 95
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