ZAGREB, Jan 24 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament's House of Counties
today unanimously supported Foreign Minister Mate Granic's report
on ending the UNPROFOR mandate in Croatia.
During discussion representatives stressed a historic meaning
of this decision for Croatia.
The discussion focused on three questions - whether there was
a strategy in line with this decision; which were the reasons for
international pressure on Croatia; and what happened with the
Zagreb Four (Z-4) plan as a solution to the crisis in the country.
Granic said the international community's pressure on Croatia
to reconsider its decision was caused by the fear of possible war.
The world was concerned that after the withdrawal of UNPROFOR,
rebel Serbs would provoke new clashes and would also drag Bosnian
Serbs into the conflict. But none of the international factors
questioned Croatia's legitimate right to make such a decision,
Granic said.
We are aware that the situation will be different when
UNPROFOR leaves, but we have a clear strategy and there is no
reason to worry, Granic said.
The Z-4 plan has not yet been officially presented to
President Franjo Tudjman, but maybe it will next week, Granic said.
He said that drafts of the peace plan so far proposed to
Croatia were generally acceptable, except a part dealing with local
autonomy for minority Serbs.
Granic stressed that Croatia could not tolerate the idea of a
"Greater Serbia" on its soil.
(hina) jn rv vm
241956 MET jan 95
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