PARIS, Nov 14 (Hina) - The Paris conference on the consolidation of
peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina ended on Thursday afternoon with a
ceremony, when French President Jacques Chirac expressed
satisfaction with the adopted document and progress towards
strengthening peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Chirac described as significant the fact that Bosnia-
Herzegovina had for the first time been internationally represented
by a three-member presidency in Paris, and expressed wish that the
spirit of cooperation created at the conference would continue in
the future.
The adopted document on consolidating peace in Bosnia was
described by French Foreign Minister Herve de Charette as a "moral
contract between the collective presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and the world community. It is a contract based on reciprocity. We
will assist them, but in exchange, the collective presidency has
made major commitments".
The international financial help will depend on the consistent
implementation of the peace agreement.
The ways of implementation of the Paris document will be
defined at a conference in London in December, and the military
aspects of international presence in Bosnia-Herzegovina will be
discussed by NATO.
Our wish was that the peace process should become self-
maintaining in the next two years, international community high
Representative Carl Bildt said.
Participants in the Paris conference agreed on thirteen
priorities which had to be implemented in a two-year period.
The priorities are: regional stabilization, the creation of an
atmosphere of security, respect of human rights, building a genuine
democracy, holding of elections, freedom of movement, return of
refugees to their homes or at least to their country, cooperation
with the International Criminal Tribunal, reconstruction,
establishment of market economy, truce, the re-establishment of an
education system, and removal of land mines.
It was also agreed that the two-year process of peace
consolidation should be reviewed after a year.
The role of the high representative's Office in Bosnia should
be made stronger by its role in economic issues and right to making
final decisions in cases of dispute.
However, the high representative also has to work on the final
independence of institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
(hina) lm jn
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