ZAGREB, Oct 10 (Hina) - A Zagreb municipal prosecutor lodged an
appeal with the Zagreb Municipal Court on Thursday against the 26
September acquittal of the editor-in-chief and lead journalist of
satirical and investigative weekly "Feral Tribune" who had been
charged with libeling and insulting the Croatian President.
"The municipal state attorney's office in Zagreb lodged an
appeal to the Zagreb Municipal Court against the acquittal of
Viktor Ivancic and Marinko Culic, charged with the criminal offense
of libel and insult of Croatian President Franjo Tudjman through
libelous and insulting reports, as well as through an insulting
trick photograph in the paper "Feral Tribune", state prosecutor
Marijan Hranjski said in a statement.
"The appeal refutes the acquittal, because the Court
significantly infringed the regulations of the criminal proceedings
and wrongly determined the factual situation.
"Reports of a minor part of the press give the impression that
the ruling has been well-founded, although it is evident that the
grounds of the acquittal will be evaluated by the Zagreb County
Court," the statement concluded.
(hina) ha vm jn
101441 MET oct 96
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