ZAGREB, Sept 26 (Hina) - The editor-in-chief and a reporter of the
Split-based satirical and investigative weekly "Feral Tribune",
Viktor Ivancic and Marinko Culic, were acquitted by the Zagreb
Municipal Court on Thursday of charges of libeling and insulting
Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.
Explaining his verdict, Judge Marin Mrcela said that the
incriminating articles were not libelous, but contained value
judgments which could not be the subject of prosecution.
The proceedings had been instituted by the office of the
municipal state attorney with Tudjman's consent.
Ivancic was charged with libeling the President in a text on
the cover of Feral's supplement "Glede i Unatoc" of 29 April 1996
and insulting him through a trick photograph which showed Tudjman
and Ante Pavelic (Ustasha leader and founder of the Independent
State of Croatia, 1941-1945) in the same issue.
Culic was charged with libeling the President in an article
entitled "Bones in a Mixer", published in the same issue.
The "Glede i unatoc" article stated that Tudjman was "a
declared follower of generalissimus Franco," Mrcela said, adding
that a statement that someone was a follower of a certain political
idea was a value judgment which could not be the subject of libel.
Explaining the trick photograph, Mrcela said it was "absurd",
especially if one bore in mind Tudjman's anti-fascist commitment in
World War Two.
"But that absurdity is not insulting", Mrcela said, offering
as an example the play "Spikom na spiku" in which Tudjman had been
shown just as absurdly talking with Josip Broz Tito.
Speaking of Culic's article, Mrcela said it did not contain
factual claims, but value judgments on political activity, and such
judgments could not be the subject of prosecution. In the article
Culic commented on the President's idea of erecting a joint
memorial centre in Jasenovac to all Croatian victims of fascism,
communism and Serbian aggression.
The parties can appeal to the Zagreb County Court.
The announcement of the verdict was followed by about 100
(hina) ha jn
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