ZAGREB, Oct 3 (Hina) - The Croatian Rail (HZ) is in an unenviable
position; after the restructuring there will be 7000 redundancies,
and the loss in the first six months this year has reached 122
million kunas. Only 54 per cent of outcome in planned turnover were
achieved, and the railway network was in a catastrophic state, the
HZ general director Marijan Klaric told a press conference in
Zagreb on Wednesday.
He said the Canadian firm CANAC, commissioned, in cooperation
with the World Bank, to make an elaborate plan for the Croatian
Rail restructuring, would finish its third report by the end of
But, it is already obvious that the HZ company should reduce
its payroll by 7,000 positions. "We will agree with the trade union
on the fate of those people. I emphasize that there will be no
inhumane procedures," Director Klaric said.
Speaking of the decrease in turnover and loss Klaric pointed
up "abnormal work conditions in last five years and tough
competition on the transport market."
He reminded the conference of war damage caused to railways.
He announced that 45 kilometres of the Lika railway line, six
road crossings, one railway station and two bridges were planned to
be reconstructed in liberated areas in the next period.
(hina) jn mš
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