BELGRADE, Sept 27 (Hina) - Yugoslavia's parliament on Friday
ratified the agreement on the normalization of relations with
However, separate sessions of the two chambers of parliament
were not attended by representatives of major opposition
parties, who have been boycotting parliament sessions over a
ban on live TV coverage of sessions.
Deputy Foreign Minister Radoslav Bulajic described the
agreement as an important step in the normalization of
relations with former Yugoslav republics.
"The agreement opens a new page in relations between Croatia
and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, ensuring life in
peace, good neighbourliness and understanding," he said.
Bulajic added that after "the successful elections in
Bosnia-Herzegovina" conditions would be created for the
normalization of relations with that country as well.
Journalists covering the sessions were not given copies of
the agreement, which Yugoslav authorities treat as
confidential. The Belgrade-based Beta news agency released the
text of the agreement published by Croatian media.
(hina) vm
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